Thursday, January 19, 2023

Studio Insights

One of my New Year goals was to seek direction and spend more time in my studio.

Spending time exploring the beauty of watercolors.  It is not a medium to be totally manipulated and controlled.  
And, that of course is  the challenge and beauty of this medium.

I have been working with different papers, painting larger than I am comfortable with and watching other watercolor artists and their approach.  

I love to watch the colors mingle and create their own shapes and images.  You can create a transparency and glow that one cannot achieve in other art forms.

I titled this one "Missing the Beach today". It was fun to relive a memory from my photos as I applied each layer.  
Allowing drying time in between.  After I sketched the painting onto my 140lb cold pressed watercolor paper, I used Frisket to the white areas of the ocean and to the figure. Also, splattering some onto the areas of the sand. 

I am allowing it to sit a while and see if there is anything else needed.  It is always good to step away from any painting as not to over work it.  Something I have to keep myself from doing! 

I primarily used Daniel Smith and Holbein watercolor tube paints.  I love the properties of both!

It was also the perfect time to try out my new porcelain palette and Silver brushes I received for Christmas!

Until next time..


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Monday, January 9, 2023

Happy New Year!

Celebrate endings-for they proceed new beginnings" - Jonathan Lockwood Hole

I took the last of my Christmas decorations down this morning.  Holding onto the beauty of the season as long as I can.  

It is also a time for a fresh start, a clean slate so to speak.  A time to rearrange my decor and possibly pass on a few items that do not work any longer.  I enjoy this time of organization and renewal.

What are your plans for this new year?  

I love this scripture in Jeremiah 29:11

" For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord.  Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

As 2023 begins, I am trusting in this promise. 

Each year I choose a word for the new year.  I chose the word "Direction" for this year.  Not only in my art, but in every aspect of my life.  

Direction is described as the path that something takes, the path that must be taken to reach a specific place.  I know God has more for each of us if we just trust His direction.

Wishing you a year filled with new beginnings.....

Until next time.

