Monday, May 17, 2021

                          Dive into life and make a splash!

For the last couple of months I have been wading into my watercolors.  Learning new techniques and elements to add to my paintings. 

Working with "negative painting, adding paint around the subject matter.  Creating a more dark value in the background and forming floral shapes with the white of the paper and light under painting.  Sometimes what you Don't paint, can be just as important as what you Do paint.

The above painting was created with wet on wet as well.  Placing clear water before applying the paint.

While the paint was wet, I blew the paint out with a drinking straw.  A fun way to add movement and surprises to a painting.

When the painting was dry, I added a stencil to some of the white areas with fluid acrylic paint.  

This painting will be part of an online auction beginning June 2nd through the 3.  Soul Sisters United Art Collective.  The theme for the event is titled:  Splashes of Life.  

Join us each month and make a splash!

Until next time...

Ursula xo