Friday, July 30, 2021

The Essence of a Flower

 I had the pleasure of sitting in a on-line Zoom class with a local artist.  It is always inspiring to learn from other artists.   As she explained the complexity of a flower, she mentioned they always seemed intimidating to her.  So, her suggestion was to not actually paint the intricacies of a flower or flowers, but to paint their essence.

Both of these pieces were painted while in the room, via Zoom.

The first one was inspired by her painting of a few flowers in her garden.  The pansies were inspired by flowers in one of my flower pots.

It was so fun to see everyone's interpretation from either her demos or, from their own yard and gardens.

Take the time to paint and smell the essence of flowers all around you.  

And, if you haven't signed up for my new on-line class, "Color Splash", there is still time.  Classroom opens August 5!  I am very excited to share this fun little watercolor journey.  And you never know what you will discover as you delve in and explore your inner creativity.

Happy Painting!
Ursula xo

Friday, July 16, 2021

Art by Ursula Wollenberg: COLOR SPLASH!

Art by Ursula Wollenberg: COLOR SPLASH!:   I am so excited to share my new on-line class with you.  A fun watercolor journey using acrylic inks, collage, and fun tools to create you...