Friday, September 11, 2020

                                               The secret is out!  Art Walk Alchemy 2021 

I will be joining 23 other artists in a year long class.  Full, downloadable videos each month.

                                        Our them this next year will be Enigmas and Curiosities.  

I will be teaching a fun acrylic portrait lesson on canvas.  I did the original in watercolor and will show you how to use the acrylics to look and act like watercolor. 

                      Did you know you can make monthly payments as well as the full payment?

           For more information and to sign up, follow the link in the right hand corner of this post.

Thank you,


Or, right here:

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

A Time of Change

 Boy, it sure has been a while since I have posted anything new on here.  

Where do I begin?

I am not sure about you, but this pandemic has really had an affect on me.  Not physically, but mentally.

I haven't felt like creating in quite a while.  It has definitely changed some of my priorities and I find my joy  in simple pleasures.

I have spent the last few months working in my gardens, planting, cultivating and watching the blooms grow.  Turning to nature for long walks and watching the birds flutter around my bird feeders.  This is the first year I have had feeders in many years.  I find a sweet pleasure in sitting and watching these little feathered friends flying to and fro without a care in the world.

I have been asked to re-join in an online auction group, Soul Sisters United Collective.  It was just the jump start I needed!  So, I slowly began to get back into my studio, studying new techniques and purchasing new paints.  Starting small and moving forward.

The world has changed and I am changing with it.  I love this quote by Wayne Dyer;

"Change the way you look at things and things you look at change."

This video of an Abstract Watercolor was one of the first paintings I attempted, letting the paint guide me as I put the brush to the paper.  It did turn out different than I thought it would, but I am happy with the outcome

I applied frisket to the white areas, used sea salt to add some texture and worked wet on wet.  Trying not to set my expectations too high.  I just wanted to play and not be attached to the outcome.  I almost quit half way through.  But, I let go and let the paint drip, run and mingle together onto the watercolor paper.

Until next time,

Ursula xo

Monday, April 27, 2020

As we shelter In

As we shelter in place, enjoy a couple of watercolor videos I have created on my YouTube Channel.

Watercolor Greetings and Sheltered In, Bird nest.

Stay safe and don't stop creating!


Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Making the most of our time

"Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way."  Edward de Bono

"I don't even know how to stay at home..."  A direct quote from a friend of mine after talking about our current situation with the Coronavirus outbreak.  Her statement surprised me and made me rather sad.

I love the above quote as it directs our minds and daily habits to think differently.   
Creative thinking means looking at something in a new way, it is the definition of thinking outside the box,  a way of looking at problems or situations from a fresh perspective.  

What are you doing to be more creative during this new normal?  I for one plan on doing some spring cleaning, decorating, trying new recipes, reading, and of course spending more time in my home studio!  Are you thinking creatively?

There are many on line painting classes and art groups to join to spark that creativity within.

I have a new on line class opening up on March 27, 2020.  I loved creating this on line class; Painting Outside the Lines" for you.  As aways, creating opens ones eyes to new ways of creating and painting.  Student interaction helps us all grow, learning fun and interesting things from each other. 

This was created on The Ivy Newport network and link can be found to the right of this page,, Life is Art section.  
As well as my first online class, Floral Expressions.

Or join me on Patreon!  A fun ongoing page of art, inspiration and video lessons.  

Whatever you do, stay well!  Think outside the box, paint outside the lines and open new ways to your creative path.


Thursday, February 27, 2020

Painting Outside the Lines

Today is the day!!

A World of Watercolor

I would love for you to join me.  Full lessons, five total.

Early bird pricing is now available!
