Wednesday, January 9, 2019

It's only the beginning.

A fresh start, a clean slate, the start of a new journey.

"And suddenly you just know it's time to start something new and trust the magic of new 

The possibilities and excitement of a new year filed with hope, resolutions and change.  I didn't make any resolutions this year, but I am looking forward to growth and change in my art career.

 Dedicating myself to learning new techniques and moving away from my comfort zone.  As I write this, I remember when I first retired and decided to create art on a daily basis.  Buying my first journal and creating something (no matter how small) in it each day.  As the year progressed, so did my art.  Baby steps to new beginnings and trusting myself in the process.

  Before I painted this watercolor, I painted the same still-life in acrylics on canvas. As the process began, it took on a direction of its own.  At one point, I was ready to just walk away and begin something new.  It didn't have the fluid quality that I was working towards.  Maybe because I kept looking at the acrylic painting instead of the still-life itself.  I felt it to be too tight and over worked.

There is always that stage in a painting where it can go either way, proceed or fail.  As I kept layering my colors, I had to trust myself and the process and move on from my frustration.  Deciding to add an oil overlay and taking it to another direction.

                           In the end, I was satisfied with the outcome and the finished piece.

Trust the magic of new beginnings and be brave enough to listen to your own heart.  There is something incredibly hopeful about a fresh start!

Wishing you a very happy new beginning!

Ursula xo