Thursday, December 20, 2018

Reflections and looking ahead

It has truly been a year of growth and discovery.  My word for 2018 was Explore and I think I accomplished this throughout the year.

Spending time with family and friends is what it is all about.  I love meeting new friends and have had the opportunity through classes near and far.  Love the bond of friendships that were created during the OBX art retreat.  I hope to return to this beautiful beach again this coming year.  Plans are under way and I hope to be able to tell you about it soon.

Teaching on line classes through Paint Your Heart and Soul, Kara Bullock's community and a few mini classes of my own.  Such a fun way to reach out and share knowledge, techniques and learn from the students. All in the comfort of your home.  Thank you, Kara and Olga Furman.

Thank you, Somerset Studio for publishing my work!  I was so pleased and honored to have my art chosen for the spring issue of Somerset Apprentice.  Much to my surprise, my art was featured on the front cover!!  You can only imagine how thrilled and honored I felt when I received my copy.

Some new and creative things are on the horizon for this coming New Year.  Stay tuned.

I can share  this bit of news for the upcoming convention.  Gather up your brushes and join me for a week of painting, demos, fellowship and more.  Party in the Heartland.  May 13-18.  I will be teaching two classes during the week, one watercolor and the other a mixed media piece.  Registration is now open and would love to see and meet you in person.

My wish is to continue to explore, create, share and be thankful for all things that come my way.  

May you feel God's peace and love through this beautiful holiday season and for the coming year.

Until next year,
