Friday, August 3, 2018

Being More intentional

For the last month, I have dedicated my time to watercolor painting, seeking, learning and trying new techniques in this somewhat unforgiving medium.

Becoming more intentional, purposeful with each application.  Allowing the brush and paint to create each individual shape and  the shapes within.  Applying warm over cool, cool colors over warm.  The balance between the two.  Leaving some things undone and how much to render.  Allowing the viewer to fill in the blanks.

I have discovered new colors, creating more pigment and contrast within a painting.  Here are a few steps in progress of the above painting.  A just for fun watercolor study on 140 lb watercolor paper.

By seeking, learning and breaking things down, we can be more deliberate and intentional in what we create.  

Until next time..

Ursula xo