Sunday, February 11, 2018

Thoughts on a snowy Sunday Morning

                          "Dance is an art, paint your dream and follow it."

 Love this saying and it holds so true.  If we do not have hope to follow a dream, we cannot achieve it.  If we do not have faith, we feel hopeless.  I think dreams and faith should go hand in hand.  Faith in ourselves to know that we can be more, do more.  Faith in God to help us through the rough patches, the hard stuff.  Knowing that there is more and we can do it!

                     Sometimes we just need to put ourselves out there and trust the process. 

I have a scripture posted to my bulletin board that reads; "The Lord will perfect that which concerns me."  During this past month, I have referred to that scripture over and over again.  Reciting it out loud at times.  Working on some new projects, opportunities and following my dream.  Trusting, believing and showing up.  

What are your dreams?
