Friday, June 16, 2017

June is my favorite month of the year.  The spring rains subside, everything is green and the flowers are in full bloom.

Our deer population has grown by two.  As I look out my window, I can see mama and her two spotted fawns grazing in our yard. Such a beautiful site.  The birds, chipmunks and our garden bunny have also been very busy. 

                        The studio has also been a place of new creations and good news.  

Painting World magazine featured my Rooster/Sunflower painting in the June issue.  It is such a nice article, they made me proud.  I used a variety of mixed media materials, DecoArt paints and mediums.  Collage and even added a sunflower.

                                         Loved creating the barn like, textured background.

My Floral Expressions, on line class, opened up this week as well.   It is hosted by Kara Bullock and she did a beautiful job putting the class together.  It is not too late to join.  Some of the students have posted their work on our private Facebook page so far,  and it is so exciting to see their work.  

                                        Floral Expressions, under classes

                                                     Here is the fun bonus lesson.  

I will be taking a break for a week, as I attend a Royal Family Kids camp where I will be a counselor.
This camp is for children from the foster care system.  There will be 33 kids and I will be responsible for two precious girls.  This will be my first year and I am excited and apprehensive all at the same time.
I would appreciate your prayers for all the kids, counselors and workers involved for the week.

I will see you after camp!  
Ursula xo


  1. I love your art Ursula. I'm also happy to see that you help Foster children. My husband and I were Foster parents for about 6 years until we adopted 2 children that we love so much. Thank you for caring! We need more people like you in the world!!

  2. Thank you so much, Jeanne Kelly. Bless you for fostering and I am sure those two children are very lucky to have you as their parents.
