Today is my turn to spread the news about the DecoArt Media Winter Wonderland Challenge.

It's all about winter, blues, purples and I even some snow!
We haven't had any snow to speak of in Missouri this year, but we have seen some deer. So, my project is inspired by the woods near our home and imagining a beautiful snow fall as I look out my window.
I began this project with a 8 x 10 canvas. Gathered some collage papers, a doily, gesso and my DecoArt Media fluid acrylic paints.
The first step is to apply a thin layer of gesso to the canvas.
Apply torn collage papers with DecoArt Matte Medium.
Using a palette knife, scrape on colors of Titanium White, Dark Grey Value 3 and Metallic Silver. Keeping it loose with added texture. Work until satisfied.
Apply texture medium with a palette knife and use the doily as a stencil. Randomly apply to the edges of the canvas. Creating a nice lacy texture underneath. Allow to dry.
Now you we are ready to add the trees. Loosely brush trees on with Sap Green. Thicker in some areas, lighter in others. Wash in some Primary Cyan to trees and randomly to canvas.
Apply a thick layer of Titanium White while the green is still moist.
Cut a deer shape from an old book page or newsprint and apply to foreground.
Add antlers and shade inside and around deer image with Burnt Umber. Highlight with Titanium White.
Using palette knife, mix of Titanium White and Texture medium, apply more snow texture to design where needed. Spatter Titanium White throughout painting. Use a little water on the brush as you spatter. Let it Snow!!
Allow to dry.
When you are satisfied, apply washes of Primary Cyan and Dioxide Purple.
Shade Carbon Black under boughs of tree and strengthen outline of deer and antlers with same.
Spatter with Titanium White (one more time!)
If desired, add snowflake stickers.
Thanks for visiting my Winter Wonderland!
Supplies used are as follows:
DecoArt Matte Medium
DecoArt White gesso
DecoArt Texture Medium
DecoArt Fluid Acrylics:
Metallic Silver
DarkGrey Value 3, Raw Umber, Carbon Black, Dioxine Purple, Primary Cyan and Sap Green.
Titanium White.
8x10 canvas, paper, variety of brushes. Palette knife.
Enter the challenge by January 29 and you could be a winner! DecoArt prize package worth $120.00
Are your ready to create your own Winter Wonderland?