Friday, May 29, 2015

Summer Memories....

Every summer has a story; what's yours?

Summer is my favorite season of the year.  Filled with friends, picnics, cookouts, beach, the lake, boating, swimming, reading, long walks, ice cream, flip flops.....

I could go on and on.  When I think of summer, it conjures up many memories from childhood and now into my adult world.  Swimming until my lips turned purple.  Building forts in the woods with my brother and his friends.  Roller skating down the side walk.  Hopscotch and jump rope in our driveway.  Playing in the puddles after a summer rain fall.  Baseball in the field near our house. Sleep overs and tents outside.  So many good memories.

I want to invite you to journal your summer memories along with me.  I will be teaching a class on line.

Class is titled:  SUMMER MEMORIES

Prompts, sayings, watercolor technique with fluid acrylics.  Mixed media and so much more!

Please join me for four great projects, all at the low summer price of $20.00

Can't wait to see what we create together.

 I'm a summer kind of girl!  

See you June 17, right before Summer Solstice!





Friday, May 15, 2015

My Mother just turned 93 this month.

We have spent the last three weeks with family celebrating her birthday and Mother's Day together.  

Both my brother and sister live in other parts of the world.  My brother and his lovely wife, Kim, live in Ohio, near the Cleveland area.  My sister flew in from the British Virgin Islands, she just left this morning.  Her husband was unable to join her this time around.

So, needless to say, I am a little behind on writing, painting and all things creative!

It took an entire week to scrub, clean and tend to the flower beds before their arrival.  My mother lives next door and my sister stayed with her.  Ron and Kim stayed with us.  It's always fun running back and forth sharing time and meals together.  My husband calls it The Compound!  We were so fortunate to have gorgeous weather during our time together.

In the midst of all this, I have tried to keep up with the Artist Trading Card commitment I have made.  All need to be done and shipped off by the end of the month.  I managed to get 5 done before their arrival and have worked on a few more this week.  I got a sneak peek of a couple of the artist's cards and hope to finish the back in the next couple of days.  One artist is from Canada,  South Africa, England and the others are from various U.S. states.  All so very talented!  A great group of 9 other artists, ten of us all together.  This is the first time I have ever participated in anything like this and we hope to do more exchanges in the future.  We met on an online class we were all taking by Misty Mawn, Art Entwined.

Here is a sample of what I think are my final nine.  Each is full of floral goodness and appropriate for this time of year.  Some are painted on baseball cards, others on watercolor paper.  Each is a mixed media design.  Do you have a favorite?

I still have to finish and put all the information on the back of each card.  My goal is to send them out by the end of next week.  I saw some of the envelopes a couple were using to send theirs.  Even the envelopes are unique!  So the bar is set high.

I will post the other artists cards and share them with you.

Until next time....going for a much needed massage.  Ahhh!
