Tuesday, August 5, 2014

You are my sunshine; my only sunshine... Love this song and sunflowers always remind me of it.  


             I want to share a fun acrylic watercolor tutorial with you. 

Begin with a canvas or any other surface.  Add your gesso, collage papers and some washes to the background. I used some vintage botanical images and sheet music. I love adding washes and then letting them run down the surface, using a spray bottle of clear water.  

Draw your design in with pencil, begin adding washes of acrylic paint to the subject matter. 

I also thought it would be fun to take these Formica samples and gesso them as well.  They are going to make great gift tags.  Watch and see..........
You can add collage to them as well, but I chose just to gesso and add some washes and splatters.
Here is a look at the supplies I used.  I also used a dark green which is not pictured.  I like Golden's
Sap Green Hue.  One of my new favorites!
                          I add the layers of acrylic paint with washes and glazes as I go along. Building colors and let them dry in between.  You can use water for the glazing or Liquitex glazing medium.
                                           You can see the little gift tag sample in the corner.

                        Continue to layer the colors, drying in between.  Work until you are satisfied.  
I added a few more drips and splatters before I began to outline using my fine point black pen.  Make sure you pen  is water resistant.  Faber Castell gelatos were used to antique the edges.  I love the patina they create.  Just rub onto the edges and use fingers to blend.
Add more white here and there to pull out the highlights.  Add a few more dots to the centers and spray with a good Matte sealer.  I like to use Americana to seal my work.  
Add some jute or ribbon to your tags.  I even added a little gold heart to one.
Print off some fun sayings and glue them to the back of your tags.  Add some washes and of course, always SPLATTER!
With my left over palette, I decided to paint a pillow form that I had laying around.  Washed the edges and corners with paint. Spattered the background.  Added  "You are My Sunshine" lettering to the back.

You make me happy when skies are grey.....  

Sunflowers make me happy! 

I hope you find some time to paint, create and enjoy the sunshine!! 

If you have any questions or comments, I would love to hear from you.

See you soon.



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