Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The beautiful affair of sun, sky and sea brings a perfect moment of love, peace and joy.  Umar Sidiqui

    Sometimes a taste of beach life is all you need to renew your spirit until you can return again.

  In the midst of many challenges, we decided to take our yearly trip to Pensacola Beach, Florida.  This would be our third year and in spite of everything, we continued our plans and headed south. 

                                                   Leaving our footprints on the sand.

A week of shopping, shelling, beach walks, sunsets, great food, relaxing and sharing uninterrupted time together.  Shells were not as plentiful as they have been in the past.  But, we did manage to find a few and as always, finding pennies in the sand.  Not as plentiful and never found a whole sand dollar.  I told my husband we couldn't leave until I found one.  I had to settle for less than whole, but it has beautiful markings which inspired my attempt at a poem.

They were merely sea shells on the white sand;
All sizes, shapes, textures and color.

Some were broken with jagged edges and cracks.
Collecting only those that were whole, colorful and smooth.

Were not the discarded once beautiful before the rough waters
carried them and placed them on the beach?

They too are unique and lovely in their irregularity.

Much love,
until next time...Ursula

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