Monday, December 29, 2014

Looking ahead.....

The year is coming to an end.  Always a time of reflection on the past and wondering what God has in store for me in the new year.  As a child and young adult, it never really meant more to me than celebrating and staying up late to ring in the New Year and watch the ball drop.  Never thinking much beyond the celebration.
This painting signifies my thoughts and dreams for this coming New Year.  As I began to layer her hat in my journal, I began to build one thought upon another.  Wishing, hoping, health, happiness and so on.  Building a foundation, so to speak.  Without a foundation, we have nothing to build our hopes and dreams upon.
Nothing to catch us when we fall or stumble. 

As the year, 2015 begins, I want to make sure I keep that foundation solid.  We never know what a year can bring.  As I reflect back at this past year, there were many challenges that we did not foresee.  Disappointments, illness, set backs, family issues and so on.  Things that never entered my mind as we ushered in the new year with good friends.  
We will celebrate with friends, once again.  A nice dinner, laughs, memories, a game and a champagne toast at midnight.  Thanking God, once more, for his faithfulness, my foundation. 

May you have a blessed New Year with lots of love, hope, health, prosperity and art!


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