Friday, February 7, 2014

Light Lovely Designs by Ursula: February is my birthday month and it has been a co...

Light Lovely Designs by Ursula: February is my birthday month and it has been a co...: February is my birthday month and it has been a cold snowy one thus far.  the entire winter has been brutal for most of us.  Even our trip t...

Thursday, February 6, 2014

February is my birthday month and it has been a cold snowy one thus far.  the entire winter has been brutal for most of us.  Even our trip to Florida last month, saw below average temperatures.
I have spent much time indoors and in my art studio, loving the warmth of the fireplace and connecting with my inner artist.  I have been taking an on line class, Studying with the masters.  A nine week class hosted by Jeanne Oliver, with eight other artists.  Each sharing their favorite master and their own techniques.  It has been a nice learning experience and my studio and art journal are full of notes, drawings and paintings.  Here is one of my paintings, inspired by Paul Cezanne. 

I have been working on Botticelli and find his work more challenging. 

 My hope is that each artist I study, will bring growth and share my knowledge with my students.

Next week  we will discover the paintings and style of Georgia O'Keefe.  Very exciting since she is one of our modern day masters.  I probably won't leave my studio during that time.